Author Hannele Lehtinen

New Joint Venture for lignin plastics

Meridian Waste Solutions, Meridian Innovations and Advanced Lignin Biocomposites signed an agreement in early April to form a Joint Venture to develop Advanced Lignin’s technology portfolio. The initial focus of the JV will be to produce high performance yet low… Continue Reading →

Four year research project Flippr continues to scale-up

Mondi recently hosted the closing event of a four year R&D project Flippr (Future Lignin and Pulp Processing Research), which aimed to identify future business areas for the companies in the fields of lignin and modern fibre utilization. The project… Continue Reading →

MetGen has launched new enzymes for lignin valorisation

MetGen, a Finnish SME designing and marketing novel enzymatic solutions, has added new enzymes to their MetZyme Ligno product family. According to MetGen, MetZyme Ligno enzymes enable lignin valorisation towards a much wider range of drop-in solutions in e.g. coatings, plasticizers,… Continue Reading →

Nordic pulp makers active in kraft lignin

Lignin Club members Stora Enso, Metsä Fibre, UPM and Pöyry are highlighted in Reuters’ recent article on Nordic pulp makers and their activities in bioproducts. Stora Enso has signed its first order of lignin with a glue manufacturer, Metsä Fibre… Continue Reading →

Fraunhofer ICT optimising Organosolv lignin

Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT is working on the sulphur-free isolation of lignin and cellulose using an acid-catalysed process called Organosolv. They have a project called “Optimisation of an Organosolv pulping process – grass and hardwood/fractionation of lignin and… Continue Reading →

Full afternoon of lignin talks at NWBC 2017!

The 7th Nordic Wood Biorefinery conference in Stockholm later this month features a full afternoon of lignin presentations and discussions from renowned lignin experts including Pöyry’s Dr. Petri Vasara as well as Dr. Tiina Liitiä and Dr. Hanne Wikberg from… Continue Reading →

Sunscreen from lignin?

Researchers from McMaster University found that sunscreen containing just one per cent of organosolv lignin had double the lotion’s original sun protection factor, or SPF. This interesting study is published in the ACS journal of Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Continue to original… Continue Reading →

Borregaard to receive NOK 13.9 million funding for lignin research

Borregaard received funding from the Research Council of Norway for two different research projects related to lignin utilisation. The WOCA project aims to develop bio-based binders for the metallurgical industry, while the Ligno 2G project aims to modify lignin for… Continue Reading →

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